He's just not that into you as told by Rachel Michele

So I was reading that book "He's just not that into you" and I really didn't help me out but it made me think of a few things:

  1. If a guy you like spontaneously starts wanting to be with you and starts calling you everyday do to stuff, that means he has some interest in you??? Right. WRONG. He's using you because when he spontaneously stops talking to you and doesn't want to hang around you, it means he just not that into you. Or he just decided to get back together with his Ex. or whatever
  2. If you meet a really cute, funny guy at a party and you hit it off but forget to get his number or the other way around, DO NOT go looking for him on facebook or stalk him or try to get his number from mutual friends. Chances are that you guys DID hit it off, so If you can find him on facebook, he can find you. It makes it more of a chase if he initiates it first. If he doesn't he is LAZY and you don't want to be with a LAZY guy. Even if say you did find him and you hit it off instantly or later, you will still be the one who made the first move and that could be how the relationship is......
  3. If you like this kid who is cute and genuinely a nice guy but you only hang out with him at night[2am or later] Do Not let that part of him phase you. Just because you may talk to him and see him on a regular basis, doesn't mean it will turn into something more. The reason you hang out that later is because he doesn't want anything more. He's just not that into you. Be with someone who thinks about you everyday and every minute, not just for some fun times at night. Girls deserve so much better and they shouldn't think they are not relationship worthy. Every girl CAN get any guy they want. They just have to first believe they can and respect themselves.
  4. If a guy makes you choose over another guy, Please remember what you like about him and what you don't. It's horrible to make a quick decision without thinking it through. Be careful I would say follow your brain and let it do all the thinking but when it comes to it, You have to be in tune and listen to you heart[wow that sounds so corny but its true]. Your brain thinks about the logical parts or a relationship but its like the church, you have to have faith that's what makes you grow stronger. If you think way too hard about things like The Book Of Mormon and the stories, you'll mind will take over and it will lead you away from the spirit and you will be confused on whats really true. So back to relationships, It is simple as just following that little gut feeling,:) don't think about the all the little logistics. ok now I'm rambling I'll stop.
  5. Be careful which bridges you wish to rebuild. keep your guard up, just because its the past doesn't mean it can't effect the future.
  6. This is really isn't advice but this one just bugs me: So you like this kid but your not sure when the right time kiss is. if he tries to kiss you and you accept it, does that make you easy? Does it give him the right to disrespect you? lets say option b where you say" I think we are taking things to fast". The boy would back off and later say he has respect for you for turning him down.......... so back to option a where you let him kiss you. Why should the girl have to be the ones to turn down the guy, why can't he just not make the move in the first place. I mean doesn't that make more sense if he likes a girl he should respect her instead of testing her limits? I understand the whole getting to know you stage and all [that is very important] BUT if all is said then why can't it be done too.
I have some more advice but I can't think of any more. More to come.
Rachel michele

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