Summer school I thought would be so easy. boy was I wrong. Acc has taken over my life, literally, i wake up at 8:30 which to others may seem like a reasonable time, but for me its still way to early. at least for summer for a 19 year old, come on!! so i have english for 1 hour an a half not bad then MATH from 1:10 till 3:45 its killer and the worst part is is that its not hard stuff, its actually quite easy, its just really time consuming, with the stupid linear equations and sucky polynomials or trinomials or whatever. and to add to the boring-ness of the class the teacher has an accent. there is not at all wrong with accents but anyone who has taken a class from a professor with an accent knows that it can be hard to focus when they say three and it sounds like tree. "what do trees have to do with math" is what i end up thinking instead of "what the heck is y=mx+b?". Other than school my social life has hit a very low peak, meaning i have no social life. yes i do have the occasional poker nights at elysemo's or the boys at 1031, or flight of the concord viewing with ely/tmi or aubster, but other weirdly i like it. I went to see dont mess with Zohan with my dad [which by the way was HORRIBLE] and it was fun and it was a friday. I began to remember those times when i was mortified to been seen with the parentals,[especially on a weekend] but now i dont mind it at all. maybe its just a stage every kid goes through??? back to the whole liking not being a social butterfly, i guess i needed to put that on pause, so i could do the important things and not miss out by partying. hmmm